Portfolio Management Services for Cross-Border Clients
Private Wealth Management
We help clients plan and manage diversified portfolios tailored to each individual's needs. A thorough knowledge of the special concerns of cross-border clients investing in multi-currencies has given Portfolio Resources it's well-deserved reputation among clients and global financial institutions. (Trading Relations)
Private Equity / Private Debt
In an environment of prolonged artificially low interest rates, excessive money printing by central banks and inflation, alternative investments such as private equity and private debt have historically served as an important diversification from public financial markets, and a hedge for traditional equity and fixed income portfolios. The illiquity premium available through private offerings can help mitigate against both low yielding investments, market volatility, and inflation.
Speak with one of our associates to better understand both the risks and opportunities involved in alternative investments and if such strategies are appropriate for you. Cross-border clients have the added advantage of access to offshore feeder-funds with no U.S. withholding taxes on dividends and interest. The premier alternative investment platform, iCapital, is available through PRAG's relationship with Envestnet Asset Managementt.
Impact Investing
The Impact Investing Division of Portfolio
Resources also makes available investment programs for clients worldwide through multiple manager diversification including mutual funds, and Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) portfolios that meet certain client environmental and ethical criteria.
Minimum investments in the Private Wealth Management program start as low as US$50,000 and may where appropriate utilize an all inclusive "wrap fee" approach. PRAG provides quarterly performance reports benchmarked to the appropriate indices. Performance and investing activity may be viewed directly on the PRAG website managed in association with Envestnet Asset Management, Inc., the premier money management technology platform in the financial services industry.
Contact one of our international Associates for a free consultation.