The Art of Achieving Your Financial Goals
Financial Wellness
How to invest your financial assets is one of the most important decisions you and your family will make during your lifetime. Yet many people neither establish clear goals, nor a plan for the future. In fact, many people spend more time researching what automobile or cell phone to buy, than how to invest their savings.
Some investors assume that they can do everything on their own, despite their busy schedules. Many turn to a broker whose recommendations are at times driven by the need to generate commissions. These approaches tend to result in random investment decisions, lack a proper strategy, and usually result in unnecessary levels of risk.
Time is Your Friend
Our fee-based team of independent financial advisors will help you put together a realistic plan. Time is your friend in creating wealth through a disciplined investment program. The sooner you begin and the longer you are invested, the higher your potential for success. We analyze your short, medium and long-term goals and then establish the parameters of an investment program geared to achieving those objectives within the risk level appropriate for you.
The video below illustrates how small incremental steps can lead, over time, to big results that may now seem insurmountable.
Likewise, the corrollary is true: The experience gained from the financial meltdown of 2008, the COVID pandemic, and the 2022 “meltdown” caused by government over-stimulus, in addition to inflationary energy policies, all highlight the Importance of having a long-term strategy and proper diversification. A professionally managed portfolio that includes both income-oriented investments and growth investments, in both the public and private markets, is essential to riding out the inevitable up and down cycles of the economy and the markets.
The Premier Money Management Platform
Our strategic relationship with Envestnet Asset Management, Inc., and iCapital, gives you access to the best institutional and independent money managers in the financial services industry. While many of these managers have portfolio minimums as high as $10 million per client, through PRAG, you can access their expertise with as little as $100,000. Smaller levels of investable assets can take advantage of mutual fund and ETF portfolios - all of them with active management and supervision. Envestnet also provides performance reporting and billing for all advisory clients.
Looking Out for Your Investments
Once we have established the right investment program with you, we carefully monitor your assets with state-of-the-art portfolio management software and the best institutional, as well as, independent research available. With no investment banking conflicts of interest, our recommendations are based solely on what we believe to be in the best interest of our clients.
Fee-based Managed Accounts
When you establish a fee-based portfolio management agreement with one of our associates, you have access to three custodial relationships. One is through our affiliated broker/dealer, Portfolio Resources Group, Inc. (PRG), with assets held at PRG's clearing firm. Pershing LLC., a subsidiary of
The Bank of New York Mellon Corp. Through our advisory group, you can also select Schwab Institutional as your custodian. All three firms are among the most solid in the financial services industry. Portfolio management clients receive both a monthly brokerage statement, as well as, a comprehensive quarterly performance report. Fees are negotiable with your advisor.
Now more than ever, it is important to have the assistance of an experienced team of portfolio managers and advisors. Contact one of our associates today to review your existing portfolio or begin a new investment program. Join our growing number of successful investors.